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small church grants

small Church Grants

These grants, scholarships, and funds have been made possible by the generous giving of Presbyterians. In that same spirit, contributions are needed to continue grant funding. The most immediate way to contribute is through an individual, group, or congregational donation to the Synod for a specified purpose. Individuals can also help through bequests from their estates, by making it a beneficiary of their life insurance, or with gifts of securities, real estate, or annuities.


Only PCUSA churches within the bounds of the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic are eligible to apply for the New and Small Church Grant Fund.


Applications are considered at Synod Assembly meetings held in the spring (March) and the fall (September ).
Grants Application


Deadlines for receipt of applications

  • February 1st for spring

  • August 1st for fall


Return to the Overview of Grants and Scholarships of the Synod

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