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The Synod of mid-atlantic NATIONAL BLACK
Presbyterian caucus
The purpose of the Mid-Atlantic region of the Black Presbyterian Caucus is to use its influence and collective powers to achieve full and equal participation of Black people in the life of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), in general and in the Synod of Mid-Atlantic in particular.
The synod of mid-Atlantic Hispanic caucus
The purpose of the Mid-Atlantic region of the Hispanic Presbyterian Caucus is to use its influence and collective powers to achieve full and equal participation of Hispanic people in the life of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in general, and in the Synod of Mid-Atlantic in particular.
Moderator/President: Rev. Alfred Miranda, Salem Presbytery –Almiro_Salem@yahoo.com
Secretary: Rev. Edwardo A. Moreno, Coastal Carolina Presbytery – eduardomoreno@presbycc.org
Rev. Rosa Miranda – Elbuenpastor.pc@gmail.com
Rev. Julio Ramirez-Eve – Jre0412@gmail.com
the korean presbyterian Korean Caucus/
The purpose of the Korean Presbyterian Korean Caucus/Council is to use its influence and collective powers to achieve full and equal participation of Korean people in the life of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in general, and in the Synod of Mid-Atlantic in particular.
Rev. Byeongho Choi –
Bethany Presbyterian Church
4644 Sandy Plains Rd.
Marietta, GA 30066 (770-643-1459)
Presbyterian Men
The Committee’s purpose is to lead men into a vital relationship with Jesus Christ, develop their understanding of the mission of the church, assist congregations in nurturing men of the church to mature discipleship, encourage men in the church through their commitment to Christ, fulfill the ministry to which men are called in their families, in their daily work, and in their ministry to other people in the community and the world and involve men of various racial/ethnic backgrounds and men of different ages.
Allan Wulff
3305 Hollyfield Circle, Roanoke, VA. 24106
Representative for Presbytery of the Peaks; member, Covenant PC, Roanoke, VA
Presbyterian women
Presbyterian Women - Together with Purpose
The purpose of Presbyterian Women is to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). It is organized at all levels of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in congregations, presbyteries and synods as well as General Assembly. Presbyterian Wome is committed to nurturing faith, supporting the church’s mission, working for justice and building community.
Nancy Long - Moderator
1210 Bruce Rd., Wilmington, DE 19803
nlongssg@gmail.com | (302) 893-3682
the Committee of Women of Color
The purpose of the Committee is to identify and research issues of concern to women of color, and to develop strategies, including programs, resources and legislative action to respond to these issues. To promote shared partnership and power in the mission of the church to eliminate all barriers created by prejudice, racism, classism, and ageism as they impact the lives of women locally, regionally and globally.
307 Underhill Street, High Point, NC 27260
(W) (336) 334-7838 (F) (336) 334-7010
springs camp & conference center
Executive Director
Clayton Rascoe - Executive Director
712 Massanetta Springs Road
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Westminster Presbyterian Homes
William Black Lodge